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Senin, 05 Mei 2014

tugas bahasa inggris

Subject & Verb Agreement

· Each / every à Verb Singular

Every man, woman, child needs love

Each book at the book store is listed

· Noun + prepositional phrase à verb lihat noun

The book on the table is mine

The book on the table are mine

Contoh Soal :

- Every girl and boy ( be ) is in the classroom

· Eating vegetables is delicious

· Watching old movies is interesting

Contoh Soal :

- Tomatoes ( is,are ) are easy to grow

- Lettuce ( is,are ) is good for you.

· Some of Singular noun à Singular verb

A lot of Plural noun à plural verb

None of

Half of some of my homework is easy

Most of some of my homework are easy

· Each of diikuti

Every of plural noun à verb tetap singular

One of each of my friends is here

· The number of students in this class is 20

· The number of students are missed the class

Latihan soal :

1. Some of the fruit in this bowl ( is,are ) are rotten.

2. Some of the apples in that bowl ( is,are ) are rotten.

3. Most of the movies ( is,are ) are funny.

4. Half of this money ( is,are ) is yours.

5. A lot of clothing in this stores ( is,are ) are on sale this week.

6. Each of the boys in the class ( has, have ) have his own notebook.

7. None of the animals at the zoo ( is,are ) are free to roam.

8. The number of employes in my company ( is, are ) is approximately ten thousand.

9. ( Does,do ) does all of this homework have to be finished by tomorrow ?