go green

meneruskan perjuangan kaum, dijaman yang semakin modern ini, menciptakan lingkungan yang penuh dengan penghijauan itu sangat sulit, oleh karena itu saya mengajak pada seluruh kaum di dunia untuk ikut serta pada penghijauan, dukung blog ini...
thank's before...

Senin, 06 Juni 2011


Sumber: http://student.eepis-its.edu/~gal/pas1.html


active : subject + verb + object
passive : object + be + verb3 + by subject

1. verb = verb 1
maka be adalah is, am , atau are

contoh :
active : They hope me to come to the meeting
passive : I am hoped to come to the meeting (by them)

2. verb = verb 2
maka be adalah was atau were

contoh :
active : I sent the letters two days ago
passive : The letters were sent two days ago (by me)

3. verb = verb 3
maka be adalah been

contoh :
active : He has done so many things for me
passive : So many things has been done (by him) for me

4. verb = v-ing
maka be adalah being

contoh :
active : They were building the house when i came in here
passive : The house was being built when i came here (by them)

5. verb = modal + verb 1
maka be adalah be

contoh :
active : They will finish the work tomorrow
passive : The work will be finished tomorrow (by them)

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